This girl!
I'm calling all ... Orlandians? Orlandoians? ... people that live in the Orlando area.
Sometime in the near future, I will be making my way to Orlando. No, not for Disney World. Don't get me wrong, I love Disney. Who doesn't love Disney? But that would be counter-productive to my reason for going. Which is locking myself in a hotel room until I make some serious headway on book four. Why Orlando? Because as I'm writing this, it's 77 degrees and sunny there. (I just checked.) And while normally I head for the beach while in Florida, I don't want sand in my laptop. So I'll be lounging poolside while I whip this novel into shape.
I say all that to say, if any of you are in the Orlando area and would like a book signing or meet n' greet, I'll be in the area and would love to make it happen. Simply email me, and I'll set something up, most likely at a local bookstore. (So you don't think I'm trying to lure you into a dark alley ... just a dark bookstore.)
In other news, I've officially told "The Zon" (Amazon) to get bent. Okay, not entirely, my books are still on there, because over 80% of all ebooks are purchased from Amazon, but they are not in Kindle Unlimited anymore. Which means I have more flexibility over my pricing and availability. Avenger of Blood is now set to perma-free (unless Amazon decides to change it back, which apparently they can do at their discretion) and available almost everywhere ebooks are sold. The Orphan and Burned are also available almost everywhere and on sale for $2.99. So if you haven't leveled up in the series, now's the perfect time. Simply click a book below, and chose from your preferred retailer.
Now, to my dearest die-hards, I have a favor to ask. If you've read books two or three, would you mind leaving a review? Or at least a rating? Fun fact: less than 1% of readers leave reviews. Which I get, nobody's got time for that, but reviews/ratings do sell books. Which means I can write more books. I'm not really concerned about AOB on Amazon, (It has over 400 reviews with a 4+ star rating, all thanks to you!) but The Orphan and Burned could use a little help. And all three books are at nil on the other retailers, so if you're feeling extra frisky and would like to leave a review in more than one place, I will love you eternally. (Who am I kidding, I'll do that anyway. Y'all are the best!)
A huge thanks for all your support, and I'm looking forward to meeting some of y'all soon!